The Last Man on the Moon
Commemorative T-Shirt

Space History

At 05:40:56 GMT on 14 December, 1972, Apollo 17 Mission Commander Gene Cernan returned to the LEM (Lunar Excursion Module) Challenger, ending the last Extravehicular Activity (EVA) of what would prove to be the final expedition of the Apollo program. To date, no other humans have yet returned to set foot on the Lunar surface, foisting on Captain Cernan the dubious honor and title of being "The Last Man on the Moon."

Responding to the apparent lack of public interest in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Nixon Administration cut NASA funding dramatically. In turn, NASA spent nearly all of its human space flight budget developing the Space Shuttle and the project now known as the International Space Station. As a result, there have been no significant funds for human-present extraterrestrial exploration for over two generations.

We here at The L5 Development Group, along with many other organizations, believe a return to a wider range of human space activities is long overdue. Consequently, we are making our rally call, saying


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Commemorative T-Shirt

We created a T-shirt to commemorate the historic event for its thirtieth anniversary, which occured on December 14, 2002. The front of the shirt features a photo of the night launch of Apollo 17 as its background and one of Gene Cernan as an insert; the text "The Last Man on the Moon" honoring Gene Cernan and the event's "December 14, 1972" date; and the "IT'S TIME TO GO BACK!" rally call. The back of the shirt sports a brief description of the event and the "IT'S TIME TO GO BACK!" rally call, plus the phrase "We need space to grow" popularized by the WinVN development team, a group of NASA engineers and their collaborators who wrote a freely distributed Usenet newsreader program.

Our T-shirt design is illustrated below.

For further reading, feel free to visit these sites:

Note: The above links will open a new browser window to display the selected page.

Click on a thumbnail image for more detail.

Front       Back
black Last Man Commemorative T-Shirt, front black Last Man Commemorative T-Shirt, back

As shown above, we are offering this T-shirt in black with contrasting graphics. We are currently using PayPal's shopping cart system to accept orders for this T-shirt. Please use the buttons below to add the size shirt or shirts you wish to order to your basket, which will be displayed in a new browser window. (Each time you click one of the buttons, it adds one shirt to the basket. You can change the quantities directly in the basket view window.) Once you have added everything you want to the basket, press the < View cart > button to go to the checkout page and place the order. (Shipping charges are explained below.)

PLEASE NOTE: You need to insure you have both cascading style sheets (css) and cookies enabled in your browser to use the PayPal shopping cart system.

Small Medium Large Extra Large 2X Large 3X Large

US$ 19.95

US$ 19.95

US$ 20.95

US$ 21.95

US$ 22.95

US$ 24.95

The price of each shirt purchased contributes US$ 5.00 toward the space business operations of The L5 Development Group.

There will be no sales tax assessed on your order: Massachusetts does not collect sales tax on clothing purchases.
Shipping charges are based on the total cost of goods you are ordering, per the table at right.

(We have elected to add this information here, since PayPal doesn't tell you these things until you get to the checkout page.)
Order Total Shipping Charge
( US $ )
$0.01 - $49.99 $ 2.50
$50.00 - $99.99 $ 5.00
$100.00 - $199.99 $ 7.50
$200.00 and over $ 10.00



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All of the profits generated by sales in this store are used to support our private space exploration and development program. We strive to give you a respectable value for the money you spend. As a result, purchases you make here are not only an investment in the future, but a good deal as well.

Last Man on the Moon 30th Anniversary Commemorative T-Shirt / Webmaster / Last modified December 14, 2015 @ 1:36 pm
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