The L5 Development Group our personnel


the road to success is always under construction

Anyone wishing to participate in this effort should visit our Sign Me Up! page to express their interest.

Current Personnel

Fred Koschara President, CEO, and chief cook & bottle washer

R. Keith Beal Consultant

Many other people have expressed an interest in participating in this project, but none are actually signed up yet.

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Credits and Acknowledgments

The FKE Space Program, being implemented by the L5 Development Group, is built on the work of a great many people, most of whom will inevitably remain anonymous. This is not meant to slight the importance of their work, but simply because there have been too people many to mention them all, and because detailed lists of everyone who worked on any given project are often not available.

The design of the space colonies proposed in this plan for construction at L5 is based on work originally done by the late Gerard K. O'Neill while he was a professor at Princeton University, and of student groups working under his supervision.

Invention of solar power satellites, which will be used to finance construction of the space colonies, is credited to Dr. Peter Glaser of Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge. Mass.

Many of the pictures referenced in this document have been made available by the Space Studies Institute.

Other pictures have been supplied by the NASA Ames Research Center.

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The L5 Development Group - Personnel / Webmaster / Last modified December 30, 2003 @ 1:24 am
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