the road to success is always under construction

Important News

We are currently building this Web-based virtual Mall. Once completed, we will have two operating modes available: the button-based model used throughout the rest of the L5 Development Group site, and a VRML world to allow visitors to "walk through" the Mall.

If you are a vendor interested in having a store here, please contact us via email or use the form below to discuss how to integrate your project with ours.

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Space Rental Inquiry Form

Fields marked * are required.
Instructions can be found below the form, or accessed by clicking on a field label.

Email Address: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Business Name: *
Address: *
City: *
State: *    
Zip/Postal Code: *
Country: *    
Phone Number: *
Extension: *
Best Time to Call: *   Please specify your time zone
FAX Number: *
FAX Extension: *

How did you hear about us? *
Which one? *

Your Web site: *
What do you sell? *
What price range? *
  * What type(s) of store(s) are you interested in?
* Per-sale commissions (affiliate programs, etc.)
* Joint ownership
* Store space rental only
* Icon, banner or other graphic linked to your URL
* Conventional Web store
* VRML store front
* Other - please specify    
Sales Reporting System: *
Payment Types: *

Email Address: Please enter an email address where we can contact you regarding your inquiry.
This form supports Email Address entries of up to 256 characters.

First Name: This form supports First Name entries of up to 40 characters.

Last Name: This form supports Last Name entries of up to 64 characters.

Business Name: Please enter your business name, if you have one.
This form supports Business Name entries of up to 80 characters.

Address: Please enter your mailing address on this page. You will have the opportunity to enter additional addresses, if desired, after this page has been completed. If you need a second line for the address, use both fields. Otherwise, please leave the second address line blank. An entry in the first Address field is required.
This form supports Address entries of up to 80 characters per line.

City: Enter the name of the city or village where your mail is delivered in the City field on this form. An entry in this field is required.
This form supports City entries of up to 64 characters.

State: If you are in the United States or one of its listed territories, please select your state from the drop list. For other countries, enter the name of your Province in the field to the right of the State drop list. In the US, a selection from the drop list is required; in other countries, a Province entry is required.
This form supports Province entries of up to 32 characters.

Zip/Postal Code: Members in the United States must enter either their 5-digit or 9-digit Zip code in this field. For other countries, please enter the appropriate postal delivery code for your location. An entry in this field is required. If your country does not use postal codes for routing mail delivery, please enter "<n/a>" to indicate the field is not applicable.
This form allows Zip/Postal Code entries of up to 16 characters to support the wide variety of international postal codes.

Country: Please select your Country from the drop list. The list contains all of the countries that currently have two-letter codes defined by ISO 3166 as well as a few older ones preserved for historical purposes. The list should therefore be complete. However, if your country is not listed, please select Other, please specify in the list, and enter the name of your Other Country in the field to the right of the drop list. A country selection is required, and if you select Other, please specify from the list, an entry in the Other Country field is required as well.
This form supports Other Country entries of up to 34 characters.

Phone Number: Telephone numbers in the US and Canada must be in the conventional form 111-222-3333 to be accepted. Since other countries format their telephone numbers in such a wide variety of ways, if you are neither in the US nor Canada, our system only validates your entry to insure it exclusively contains characters in the set "0123456789 ,.+-" (note that the space character is one of the allowed ones). It is your responsibility to insure your telephone number is correctly formatted for your country outside of the US and Canada.
Our system supports Phone Number entries of up to 32 characters for countries other than the United States and Canada.

Extension: If an extension number is required to reach you through the telephone number you supplied in the Phone Number field, please enter the extension number here.
Our system supports Extension entries of up to 8 characters.

Best Time to Call: Please indicate the best time (or times) to reach you via telephone to discuss your request, including your time zone. If you do not specify a time zone, we will assume you are in the Eastern (US) time zone (GMT -0500).
This form supports Best Time to Call entries of up to 32 characters.

FAX Number: FAX phone numbers in the US and Canada must be in the conventional form 111-222-3333 to be accepted. Since other countries format their telephone numbers in such a wide variety of ways, if you are neither in the US nor Canada, our system only validates your entry to insure it exclusively contains characters in the set "0123456789 ,.+-" (note that the space character is one of the allowed ones). It is your responsibility to insure your telephone number is correctly formatted for your country outside of the US and Canada.
Our system supports FAX Number entries of up to 32 characters for countries other than the United States and Canada.

FAX Extension: If an extension number is required to reach your FAX machine through the number you supplied in the FAX Number field, please enter the extension number here.
Our system supports FAX Extension entries of up to 8 characters.

How did you hear about us?: Please indicate how you became aware of our Shopping Mall. Where applicable, please also fill in the Which one? field to help us with our marketing efforts.

Which one?: Please indicate which advertisement, search engine, friend, etc. referred you to us.
This form supports Which one? entries of up to 80 characters.

Your Web site: If you already have a Web site, please enter the URL for the site, so that we can become more familiar with your existing products and marketing efforts.
This form supports Your Web site entries of up to 1024 characters.

What do you sell?: Please indicate the type(s) of goods and/or services you would like to sell in your store in our Mall. If you have specific brands or products in mind, please also indicate what they are.
This form supports What do you sell? entries of up to 2048 characters.

What price range?: Please indicate the general price range for the products you intend to offer, or the specific prices if you have a relatively small number of individual products you intend to be selling through your store here.
This form supports What price range? entries of up to 256 characters.

What type(s) of store(s)...: Please indicate the type or types of store or stores you are interested in having in our Mall. If the specific type of store you're interested in is not listed, feel free to check the Other box and describe the type of store you would like to have.
This form supports "Other" entries of up to 256 characters.

Sales Reporting System: Describe the system you use or plan to use for reporting sales.
An entry is required here unless your store will be a "space only" rental.
This form supports Sales Reporting System entries of up to 2048 characters.

Payment Types: Please indicate the forms of payment you accept or wish to accept in your store, such as credit cards, PayPal, e-checks, etc. Please indicate which credit cards, if you accept credit card payments.
This form supports Payment Types entries of up to 256 characters.



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The L5 Development Group Keyword Access System

L5 Development Group - Mall Office / Webmaster / Last modified October 29, 2009 @ 4:44 pm
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