Why Go At All?
"Why?" - the question that most often doesn't have a good answer...
Here are some reasons for going to the Moon, to L5, and beyond:
- The Earth is a small planet with over 6 billion people on it (in
2003), and it's not wise for us to depend solely on it for survival of
the human race.
- A radical disease, spread by air transport through the global
economy, could wipe out humanity with little warning.
- A comet or an asteroid could hit the Earth and wipe out humanity.
- Global warfare from the pressure of rapid population expansion
could destroy us in short order.
- There are a LOT more resources off the Earth than
there are on it, and we're going to need vast supplies if we want to
raise the standard of living for everyone on Earth.
- Not everyone likes to live under the governments that control all of
the land on Earth. Humanity needs a vent where discontented
individuals can go to live their lives the way they want to, to
experiment with new social forms, or just to have space of their own
to seek their fortune from.
- There are many peoples who have been displaced from their ancestral
homelands, who now have no place they can call their own. By making
more land - more places - available, everyone can have somewhere to
call home.
- We need a huge supply of energy to run our economy today. As a
greater percentage of the people on Earth come to have a higher
standard of living, our rate of energy consumption will increase
dramatically. This means our energy reserves are going to be used
much faster than had been anticipated. We need a supply of energy
that's not dependent on extracting fossil fuels from the ground.
Solar power satellites, in Earth orbit, can fill the need precisely.
There are lots more reasons, and we'll be adding to the list above from time
to time. If your favorite reason isn't on the list, please feel free to
send us email so we can add it to
the list.
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Last modified November 13, 2003 @ 7:02 am
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