Why Private?
There are several factors that we believe make it impossible for private
citizens to have any hope of going to space as part of any of the
established (government run) programs:
- Any politically controlled space program cannot have the managerial
stability necessary to effectively accomplish the major technological
achievements required for general civilian access to space, except
perhaps by dictatorial decree - in which case general access would
probably be denied by similar decree.
- Space programs that are run as not-for-profit operations have no
economic incentive to succeed, and are likely to continue to be nothing
but an expensive play toy as long as taxpayers can be convinced to
support the effort - then either discontinued or curtailed as much as is
needed to quell the public outcry.
- Civilian access to space will probably be denied as long as the military
establishment has a significant voice in astronaut selection - except in
rare publicity stunts where a "harmless" individual - such as a school
teacher - is selected to make it appear as though efforts are being made
to provide more widely available direct participation of the general
public. When such occurrences happen, it will be done as an effort to
enhance funding for the efforts through a greater appropriation of tax
The net result of all of this is we believe the only way to get to space is
by establishing a privately funded, for profit, space program, and running it
as a business operation. After 50 years of government-run space travel, only
a dozen men have walked on the surface of another planet, and less than two
hundred people have been outside our atmosphere. This is a totally
unacceptable rate of progress: Now is the time for private enterprise to come
along and say "Look, guys, this is how you do it!"
Please also refer to the chapter named
The Private Imperative in the
FKE Space Program.
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Last modified December 11, 2003 @ 1:59 pm
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